What is a really smart choice for password manager apps? Concerned about privacy and politically involved CEOs.

I’ve used:

  • LastPass
  • 1Password
  • ProtonPass (Now using)

I thought ProtonPass was a good choice but I’m starting to read more about it. What’s just a really solid choice all around, that you can feel good about? Free or paid.

Update: I decided to go with Bitwarden and Bitwarden Authenticator. The features and the experience are better than the three listed above that I’ve used before. Awesome advice here, thanks everyone.

  • Whooping_Seal
    1 month ago

    For iOS devices the most up to date client is “Strongbox”. I don’t think it is FOSS, but is compliant with the standard. It’s sadly a freemium app, but is quite well made in my testing. It cannot sync with syncthing, but does support several cloud services, its own service (which uses iCloud), and local file transfer over LAN. They also have a version of the app with all network connectivity removed for security (if you prefer)