The point is that while there are definitely downsides, there are also fairly painless ways to use fingerprint blocking on reputable browsers, and that it doesn’t “break half the internet” it just might have a slight learning curve. Just because something isn’t just plug it in and forget doesn’t mean it doesn’t work or isn’t accessible.
I don’t know what half of the internet you use but my shit works perfectly fine when using ad blockers (which I assume also blocks fingerprinting?)
ad blocking in of itself does not block finger printing.
install noscrypt and block all that java script along with jshelter on privacy focused FF fork, please report back your experience to the class haha
It all works fine for me with ad/ tracking blockers, browser based blockers, noscript, ublock origin, etc, even geoip blocking for anything inbound
I guess I use different sites…
The point is that while there are definitely downsides, there are also fairly painless ways to use fingerprint blocking on reputable browsers, and that it doesn’t “break half the internet” it just might have a slight learning curve. Just because something isn’t just plug it in and forget doesn’t mean it doesn’t work or isn’t accessible.