Pro tip: if all your friends are online and you never show them what you look like, they can never compliment you nor not compliment you. Its a win win!
Pro tip: if all your friends are online and you never show them what you look like, they can never compliment you nor not compliment you. Its a win win!
A very large percentage are descendants of french canadians so I’d say very canadian
I don’t know what half of the internet you use but my shit works perfectly fine when using ad blockers (which I assume also blocks fingerprinting?)
Its a very different process. Having work on search engines before, I can tell you that the word generate means something different in this context. It means, in simple terms, to match your search query with a bunch of results, gather links to said results, and then send them to the user to be displayed
I dont want to speak for OP but I think they meant its not generating the search results using an LLM
Honestly the fact that Lemmy doesn’t have infinite scroll (on my UI, at least) has helped me a lot in terms of not wasting hours at a time on my phone
I just wanted to break this down for people who’ve never been in a fight before (knowledge is power!) It’s hard to tell with such low resolution but the reason hes KOed is because he was punched in the jaw at an angle (cuz the guy’s taller, it makes it much easier). The brain kind of blue screens when that happens with the correct force.
Remember kids: guard the jaw. Bonus tip: the forehead is incredibly strong.
P.S. running away should always be priority number one. If thats not possible, then you fight
Be the change you want to see, man. I lurk on mastodon and love hockey. Surely we’re not the only ones (bit of a do as I say, not as I do moment on my part lol)
I’ve had this recurring nightmare for the last twenty or so years where I go to sit on a toilet and a disembodied hand comes out of the drain-hole hand first and touches my butt.
Where, in that position piece, do they mention o3? Who “proved” this?
Additionally, I’m pretty sure that this “ARC AGI” benchmark is not using the same definition of AGI that you linked to by DeepMind. Conflating them is misleading. There is already so much misinformation out there about “AI”, don’t add to it.
Lastly, I struggle to take at face value essays written by for-profit companies claiming they have AGI (that DeepMind paper links to OpenAI essays). They only stand to gain monetarily by claiming that their AI is an AGI (to be clear, this is an opinion; I do not have evidence to suggest that OpenAI is being disingenuous).
I was under the impression that it was good old fashioned battle PTSD. Iirc, berserkers were reported to sometimes attack anyone nearby in their frenzy, not just the enemy faction.
My school taught cooking but only 5 students per year could take it because of limited equipment. Suffice it to say, I was not taught cooking
There are only two things I can’t stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and the Dutch.
For some reason, your comment made me think of a video game idea… Futa ball! Football where all the players are… yea!
If someone actually makes this game, no need to credit me. Game idea is yours to keep my friends
Vice versa as well! I’ve tried to share some chocolate salami with “italian-americans” in the past and they’ve basically run away screaming every time! For some reason theyre not able to comprehend that its not actually meat…
I think of quid as the british equivalent of “bucks”
also, why is it spelled that way?
British spelling of tire is tyre
You got some white smoke to back that up?