Good mor—

Good afternoon, :QuarteredCircle: Radians!

If it weren’t for the sleeping in on a Sunday I wouldn’t be getting enough sleep. Today I’ve got a Silat class to teach, then D&D. I am hoping the craptastic video issue stays quite enough for my game, then I can re-attack that in the morning. I did love the fact that thanks to @linuxmemes, I feel seen.

  • WhyJiffie
    1 month ago

    750 Ti, and the driver is still garbage. on plasma wayland had to turn off window previews on taskbar for the environment to not freeze randomly. a kernel update earlier there was an 80% chance the whole thing would crash after login on the firsf frame of the desktop, or before that. gamescope has problems thanks to nvidua unique things: FSR is pure blackness but even without that, games are tearing and slow while even a test animation like vkcube maxes out a cpu core of a cpu that’s not nearly that bad. and that’s just been the product of a single week of linux usage on the desktop.