Robert F. Kennedy Jr., independent challenger for president and anti-vaccine activist, has a cockamamie solution for drug addicts and people who use medication for depression or ADHD: strip people of their tech gadgets and send them to government-funded "wellness farms" to grow organic food. Doesn't that sound suspiciously... like a labor camp?! Kennedy extolled this […]
Isn’t Trump addicted to Adderall??
“When you’re rich, they let you do it.”
RFK deep undercover to remove Trump and DOGE
and cocaine, and its well known he wears diaper because cocaine made him permanantly incontinent.
I actually can’t find anything about chronic cocaine use causing incontinence .
Short-term it makes you get the shits, long term it can turn your bowels into non-functioning tubes of fecal compaction and cause lethal constipation or require surgery to remove the giant death-turds that will occur. As for urination, I suppose like anything you abuse it might cause damage to muscles or delicate blood vessels that allow organs like the bladder to function, but by that point you are more likely to see kidney death before bladder death.
People can develop incontinence without any help from drugs too, it’s a common and embarrassing symptom that can be caused by a number of different diseases or conditions that can hit anyone at any age.
Just throwing a little actual knowledge into a pool of speculation. I was raised by a cocaine addict in a family of cocaine addicts, I’ve seen its effects. I tend to think Trump does use stimulants or did for a long time, the way he speaks and his mannerisms lines up pretty close to what I’ve seen over and over. The shit will fuck up your brain long before it hits your guts.
Trump or Hitler?
Every time someone points out hypocrisy in this “administration” I want to smash my own skull through a marble table.
Yes, they are massive hypocrites, they didn’t win leadership despite this fact, they won leadership BECAUSE of this fact. They appealed to the hateful while driving away the moderates and less engaged people by shitting in the political well. The people who voted these shitsacks into office are our nation’s most hateful, hypocritical idiots who see someone above the law as an “alpha” and will praise him every time he does something inconsistent, because they see it enrage normal, decent people and they consider that “winning.”
Rules for thee, not for me
Yeah and they were actively pushing drugs on soldiers and pilot while actively putting “drug addicts/addled” people in concentration camps.