
According to the Telegraph, a leaked confidential Trump peace plan delivered to President Zelenskyy has caused panic in Kyiv.

The proposal would grant the U.S. half of revenues from Ukraine’s resource extraction and licensing, effectively amounting to economic colonization.

The Telegraph noted, “Trump’s demands would amount to a higher share of Ukrainian GDP than reparations imposed on Germany at the Versailles Treaty, later whittled down at the London Conference in 1921, and by the Dawes Plan in 1924.”

Simultaneously, the plan would absolve Russia for its invasion that has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths.

  • gravitas_deficiency
    1 month ago

    Mmmm gonna have to disagree, as an American. None of this happened in a vacuum, of course, but our citizenry inarguably shit the bed quite thoroughly here, and now we need to lay in it. Fascism and oligarchy are the order of the day here, as are protectionism, isolationism, xenophobia, racism, and nativism. By all means support the resistance, but American culture is, at this point, rife with things to not be proud of. I’ve never felt more politically or ideologically alienated in my life. Our playbook is not it. Use us as a cautionary tale. I hope we can pull out of this tailspin at some point, but I’m not sure that’s a guaranteed thing - and for god’s sake don’t follow our lead here.

      1 month ago

      Ok, but domestic shame has nothing to do with geopolitics. Other actors can act on that shame to influence american politics, I guess.

      However, if European leaders start taking up the viewpoint that all Americans are racists and imperialists, then relations will only further deteriorate. Americans could be subject to sanctions and banned from Europe. American refugees will be turned away. Americans will be subject to hate crimes. Trump-aligned fascists will play up Americans’ fears and use the international hatred of Americans to drum up support.

      A state’s foreign policy is not, and has never been, equivalent to the culture of it’s people.

      I say this as an American immigrant in Europe.

      • ToyDork
        1 month ago

        As a Canadian, hard yes on this. I’m terrified of a potential invasion but I don’t hate you for being American, I’m terrified that you’ll be forced into something that will result in children being tortured to death, cities being nuked and the world entering a second cold war at best and literally collapsing at worst.

        As a person whose relationship with spirituality is… strange… I can say I am honestly considering if Revelations is true, but that my opinion of it as a real event is not reverance or even hatred, but anger. Anger at god. This is not how you tell a fucking story. Characters - if you “talk” to them by writing them into a story - would not typically hate us despite the pain of their life because they would tell us they aren’t actually there. We know they aren’t real, they’re puppets.

        We aren’t puppets. God has no right to predestine the end of the world, I don’t care how benevolent. And if there’s an other side rebelling, fuck them too because clearly WE were never informed by them. It’s been 2000 years, if I hadn’t literally had dreams predicting my personal future 5 years in advance that actually came true, I wouldn’t even consider it plausible. Now? I don’t owe my parents my existence, why should ANYONE owe their existence to god?

        I’m not saying god never did anything for me either, clearly it - even if “it” is just my unconscious mind doing supercomputer weather predictions with my brain - warned me 5 years in advance about something that would destroy my former life. I owe it in part for everything genuinely good that ever happened to me, but that doesn’t mean divinity should come with being above scrutiny and questioning.

        Hatred clouds the mind. Please, just run away. No one “won” WWII, nobody benefited from the Holocaust. Run while you still can, nobody will judge you for being the cat who gtfo before it was too late when the pigs killed the humans, took over the farm and then treated the other animals as a resource to be ground up into hamburger for their own consumption.

        Yeah, Animal Farm is a twisted fucking story. It happened for real too, in the USSR. Don’t think that this can’t end up just like a story. MegaMan Battle Network came true, we have Smartphones. Watch_dogs came true, the internet is in shambles. Cyberpunk came true, we have handheld portable gaming PCs called (Steam) Decks that are capable of VR. Dreams too can apparently predict the future, but the price is that you will be a slave of the prophesy until it passes. Don’t needlessly contradict god, if it really does exist, but - provided that you yourself don’t keep other people in the dark, because otherwise it might be a sign it’s reflecting your flaws in its treatment of you - absolutely be f-ing pissed if it implies you have no rights just because it said so.

        It could just be your unconscious beliefs that are “god”, or maybe there’s a real afterlife too. I say as far as human rights are concerned, it doesn’t matter which one it is. We are not toys to be played with by something that knows the future just because we only exist as limited, imperfect beings. If that “god” is our own mind’s reflection, psychologically or otherwise, fine. But if it’s not something we do to others ourselves, if you are mistreated by such an entity and you feel sick at the idea of it happening to someone else, then whether there’s a micro-god in your brain, there’s a collective unconscious, or god is literally supernatural, we should at least start considering one thing.

        If we hate being told what to do so much, why do we LET bullies play with our souls? Because if the answer is out of fear, fear doesn’t protect you from danger. It only makes you aware there is danger. If you don’t believe in the supernatural, or even the idea the conscious mind is separated from the unconscious mind in a way that “god” is just a manifestation of what you believe in, all you need to consider is that people like Trump are arrogant, arrogance is clearly an evil trait, and it’s plausible that something pretending to be a god might exist and itself have arrogance. If so, the false god is a jerk. If it’s more than that, if any of the crazier claims are true, if it really is a divine being, that changes nothing except the “false” part. Even a true god does not have the right to own slaves, it’s about damn time we consider that whatever happens next happens because we’re paying attention now and analyzing everything and questioning even the ones we trust most, not because we make the mistake of thinking we can never betray our own trust…

        “Trust no one. Not even yourself. People are fallible, you are fallible, especially when you think you’re invincible.”

        Don’t just blindly hate. Trust your instincts, but not your memories. That’s the only thing good that came out of 2017, and I hate that that’s the case but I can’t argue that this is NOT the time for dwelling on what got us here. We need to clean up this mess, no matter what we think of each other. We can tell each other what we remember being hurt by and why it makes us want to punch each other in the face all we want AFTER we make sure this doesn’t end up like the stupid book demands.

        If it’s just a story, we live no matter what we do. If it’s not, though, that’s instant death. We have a 1 in 3 chance of that dated, tribalist lore actually being able to predict the future and it being the end of the world. If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t put up with the zealots who try to force people to believe in extremist views, take note of the saying “The house always wins.” because I do not like 1 in 3 odds of “everybody suffering even more”.

        You don’t have to believe it until you can prove it. You just have to recognize that probability doesn’t fall outside scientific measurement. Our eyes are the eyes of our dreams, whatever is really going on in our heads is based on our memories and I remember one thing. Inherent winners are cheaters. Doesn’t matter what the game is.

        Hate makes you forget that. It makes you think you deserve to always win inherently. It’s a form of arrogance, and arrogance is a type of pridefulness. Arrogance is also illogical. The odds are that it’s better to not bet immediately after winning the jackpot. Even if the slot machine just dispensed a “jackpot” of dog shit instead of coins, what makes you think next time it will spill out money? So believe what you believe, but even if you don’t believe in fairy tales, that doesn’t mean you should have given your true name to a corporation that wants you to be a good little data-mining slave for it. Every effect has a cause, we can still stop this, but not if we blame someone just for not being on the fediverse or whatever other broad criteria you have. Even unfair wealth is not an excuse to kill rich people’s kids. Even adults murdering other adult’s kids is not an excuse for killing the first group’s kids. Even not believing the same thing as you does not make a child not innocent. Even if you think it is a choice in the first place, having strange sexual or romantic preferences is the right of a sapient being to choose.

        This is the information age. Start being suspicious when someone wants you to hate a group on face value, it’s easy to look up if they’re lying through their teeth and if they’re covering it up, they’ll deflect questions with accusations.

        Anyway, a bit long-winded but I needed to vent. Remember, everyone should be judged only on their own merits and actions, not what their family/friends/ethnicity/etc. may or may not have done. I’m starting to get really sick of people taking the “easy for them, unfair for someone else” route when morality asks them “Will you stand for the weak?”

      • gravitas_deficiency
        1 month ago

        I thought that was what I was expressing?

        It’s the same rationale for why Russian civilians don’t get a free pass, except we voted our way here, which is worse.

        1 month ago

        our citizenry inarguably shit the bed quite thoroughly here, and now we need to lay in it.

        That is them taking their share of the blame. Perhaps reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit?