Welcome to the human condition. In order for any kind of society or modern convenience to exist we need collaboration which doesn’t come naturally between groups.
Except it does. Nearly all societies before the invention of currency worked on a lend and trade basis, depending on how close they were. Human nature genuinely isn’t greed. That is a learned condition for those not born with BPD or a sociopathy.
And yet we’ve developed faster and faster until this point with no signs of slowing down. Do you really think you don’t have it a million times better today than somebody living in a time of barter and trade? Back when infant mortality was 50%, and disease had no cures?
Welcome to the human condition. In order for any kind of society or modern convenience to exist we need collaboration which doesn’t come naturally between groups.
Except it does. Nearly all societies before the invention of currency worked on a lend and trade basis, depending on how close they were. Human nature genuinely isn’t greed. That is a learned condition for those not born with BPD or a sociopathy.
And yet we’ve developed faster and faster until this point with no signs of slowing down. Do you really think you don’t have it a million times better today than somebody living in a time of barter and trade? Back when infant mortality was 50%, and disease had no cures?
Correlation without even a hint of causality isnt exactly a good argument.