I’m going into my last year of college and I kinda felt like I did college wrong. Like, my grades are good but everything else about college I failed at. Like socially and stuff, after 4 years I barely know anybody. I commuted(to avoid debt, and did so successfully) so maybe that’s part of my problem.

But I feel college was supposed to be special time in your life and to me it has been indifferent. :/Thoughts?

  • kersplooshA
    611 months ago

    You’re in good company. Lots of us looked back at college and wondered if we missed opportunities, or pursued the wrong major, or screwed up in general. The only advice I can offer is to make the best of your last year: join a club, take a fun elective, try to have lunch with someone new each week, do something silly like try to poop in every bathroom on campus before you graduate, etc. Five years from now you will be in a completely different phase of life and will have a whole different set of things to worry about.