Original skinheads = good kids who generally got on really well with the Jamaican rudeboys. People were generally apolitical but were connected by class (working class) not divided by colour. Eventually created 2-tone music.
Nazi skinheads = Not remotely friends with rudeboys. Probably see them as sub-human. Haven’t created anything new musically (that I’m aware of).
Punk = type of music played by both lovely accepting people and terrible scum too.
Original skinheads = good kids who generally got on really well with the Jamaican rudeboys. People were generally apolitical but were connected by class (working class) not divided by colour. Eventually created 2-tone music.
Nazi skinheads = Not remotely friends with rudeboys. Probably see them as sub-human. Haven’t created anything new musically (that I’m aware of).
Punk = type of music played by both lovely accepting people and terrible scum too.