• falkerie71
    2 年前

    I won’t comment too much on this since it’s straying further and further away from the original topic, which is microwaving food, not microwaving yourself. I’m also not familiar enough with biology and electromagnetism to give a conclusive argument to the paper. HOWEVER. Just a quick question to you, did you actually read through the paper and its citations, thought through its testing methodologies, and came to your own conclusion, or did you just search for “WiFi bad” and reply with any article or “scientific research” that pops up? Cause there is definitely no shortage of bullshit articles and even scientific studies online, as Abraham Lincoln once famously said:

    If you read it on the internet, it must be true.

    If you’re just going to post whatever pops up in the search engine without thinking through first, I doubt the discussion is going to be any more constructive and would be wasting everyone’s time.