Can I salivate over the Schwerer Gustav railway gun in particular? Like it’s a fine encapsulation over the fascist stupidity of bigger is better, but holy fuck I love that it existed! It being a waste of resources and time is just fucken icing on the cake.
I’m with you there but there are so many utterly deranged ideas during that time that it could be it’s while sub genre. Underwater tanks are a big fav of mine.
Can I salivate over the Schwerer Gustav railway gun in particular? Like it’s a fine encapsulation over the fascist stupidity of bigger is better, but holy fuck I love that it existed! It being a waste of resources and time is just fucken icing on the cake.
I’m with you there but there are so many utterly deranged ideas during that time that it could be it’s while sub genre. Underwater tanks are a big fav of mine.