mod Removed Comment Well you know how the american Jew feels about African Americans haha So much rich history there by [email protected]
reason: What?
Hmmm… Why did this get removed? Seems like content censorship
Why did you specify American jews, then? Historally, all Americans treated blacks poorly, as did all of europe. Why specify the jews while making no mention of the non-jews doing the same thing?
Everything else you said was just paper-thin excuses. Your comment was present tense, so it’s not about history. Your claim in that other thread was disproven and you only said “lol” in response. Nobody is buying it because we know the actual reason you said your comment. And so do you.
because we are talking about BLM which is an american protest movement. because history i am referring to is specifically AMERICAN jews against AMERICAN blacks.
Why did you specify American jews? You’re either very stupid or intentionally reading my comment wrong, because I explicitly said “why specify the jews” one line down.
Is Jordan Lund an American jew?
I don’t know, and who the fuck cares. Why did you specify religion? Answer the question or shut the fuck up.