Why is this so hard? I’ve tried to do everything right, and I have more than most around me and I’m still struggling. I don’t know if I’ll be able to find a place to live.
Why is this so hard? I’ve tried to do everything right, and I have more than most around me and I’m still struggling. I don’t know if I’ll be able to find a place to live.
Hey, you’re starting out in that journey at one of the worst times for big moves that we’ve seen longer than I’ve been alive.
The fact that you’ve gotten squared away enough to even try is no joke. All those barriers you’re facing, your grandparents most likely didn’t. My generation, we got hit with it, but still not as bad as what your generation is facing.
It won’t be easy, building your life, setting up a home, especially if you’re having to move as well. But you’re doing it, you’re taking those big steps, and any parent would be proud of that. And, any parent would also know that if that struggle is more than what your current access to resources can handle, it sure as hell isn’t on you.
So, don’t let the stress of it weigh you down too much. I know that the stress is going to be a burden, but you’re doing fine. You’re gonna be fine, because you’re putting in the effort. That’s all anyone can be expected to do.