Last time I was on Facebook I had added a relative of my dead best friend/roommate because she’d been over a lot working with his dog (which was a purebred that she had given him and was going to take back cause I couldn’t keep him) and we got along pretty well. After a few months of just the worst kind of low-effort, disinformation-laden culture-war conspiracy-theory meme bullshit (‘zomg liberals literally eat babies!’ and shit like using literal Nazi propaganda posters to refer to liberals) and me getting ever more frustrated trying to put good information alongside bad, I finally gave up. I was barely holding on to Facebook to talk to a couple people, but then I realized I had fb messenger and didn’t need facebook for that shit anymore.
My SO sends me funny clips from Instagram periodically, so blocking it entirely just means killing that part of our relationship. I don’t have an Instagram account, but I do watch those clips in a container where Meta can’t connect that to other websites w/ their tracking pixel (which are blocked outside the Facebook container).
Same. But if I blocked all meta sites, I wouldn’t. That’s why I stick it in a Firefox multi-account container, so meta can’t associate that with anything else I do online (i.e. tracking pixels on other sites). Still don’t have an account, I just use it to isolate their cookies and whatnot.
Step 2: block all Meta sites (Facebook Container for Firefox works well if you occasionally want to see Meta content)
I really fucking don’t.
Last time I was on Facebook I had added a relative of my dead best friend/roommate because she’d been over a lot working with his dog (which was a purebred that she had given him and was going to take back cause I couldn’t keep him) and we got along pretty well. After a few months of just the worst kind of low-effort, disinformation-laden culture-war conspiracy-theory meme bullshit (‘zomg liberals literally eat babies!’ and shit like using literal Nazi propaganda posters to refer to liberals) and me getting ever more frustrated trying to put good information alongside bad, I finally gave up. I was barely holding on to Facebook to talk to a couple people, but then I realized I had fb messenger and didn’t need facebook for that shit anymore.
My SO sends me funny clips from Instagram periodically, so blocking it entirely just means killing that part of our relationship. I don’t have an Instagram account, but I do watch those clips in a container where Meta can’t connect that to other websites w/ their tracking pixel (which are blocked outside the Facebook container).
I’ve never had an instagram account, and I can still watch videos and such that others post.
Same. But if I blocked all meta sites, I wouldn’t. That’s why I stick it in a Firefox multi-account container, so meta can’t associate that with anything else I do online (i.e. tracking pixels on other sites). Still don’t have an account, I just use it to isolate their cookies and whatnot.