I left Digg during that exodus and went to Reddit, and now here I am. Enshittification happens everywhere that capitalism finds an opportunity to put its dick in someone’s ass, it’ll probably happen here too if it gets popular.
I left Digg during that exodus and went to Reddit, and now here I am. Enshittification happens everywhere that capitalism finds an opportunity to put its dick in someone’s ass, it’ll probably happen here too if it gets popular.
I went 13 years without being banned, even though I spent most of my time on there debating politics and religion which frequently got heated and had never even been temp-banned from a subreddit. Now I’ve been banned 4 times in the last year for total bullshit, 2 of which happened yesterday, so things have definitely gone downhill.
Yup, they banned me for 7 days because saying Luigi didn’t deserve to go to jail for what he did is apparently ‘encouraging violence’. I appealed and it was lifted, but not before I got another message identical to yours. In my 14 years of reddit I have never had more than a single account, so I appealed that too. I’m not banned anymore but I got a message saying the second appeal was denied and the ban would stay in place. I think reddit is just falling over itself in its eagerness to frog-march to Der Fuhrer spez’s new fashy bullshit.
Thanks, that ought to get me started.
Oh yeah, agreed, it’s definitely a problem. I once had to drive 4 hours on short notice because we had 3 guys covering the entire state of New Mexico, one was on a long call and the other was out sick. The on-site guy kept insisting that the outage was some arcane server issue he couldn’t suss out himself, so I hit the road. But when I pulled up in the parking lot there was a fucking backhoe not 300’ from the building that had clearly been digging where our fiber ran, and about 15 people standing around it scratching their heads. Worse, guy could see it from his fucking office window, and just… never bothered to look outside I guess. I just took a picture of it that also showed the sign in front of the building, fired it off to him with a lengthy rant about his obliviousness, and went home. I had a list of incidents like this in my internal email signature and they still refused to hire anyone else.
What struck me as weird is that it’s not a smooth curve like you would expect from lens distortion or whatever, it’s straight for 6 windows, then angled from #7 on, which is what made me wonder if the building was subtly angled or something.
I had a similar realization about bison recently too, those things are goddamned huge, bigger even than that mid-sized SUV. Apparently they can get up to 3000lbs in weight.
The message about my perma-ban was actually 11 hours older than the message about my temp-ban being lifted, so they perma-banned me and then un-temp-banned me, which is… kinda fucky.
I haven’t used it in a couple years now, so maybe they’ve gotten better. shrug Also never tried it on my phone, I use duckduckgo’s browser.
Two reasons.
Reddit decided to get a lil fashy and start banning people even for just upvoting shit.
As good as can be expected after getting perma-banned on reddit for violating rules with multiple accounts just hours before my 7-day temp ban for ‘encouraging violence’ was lifted on appeal, despite only ever having had 1 account in my entire 14 years of using reddit.
I’m new myself, thanks for the recommendations. While you’re at it, do you happen to know of any good political/religion debate … subs? what are they called here? I’m going to call them subs for now. Maybe some Anarchist and non-tankie Communist subs?
I just arrived today myself, after being temp-banned for 7 days for some bullshit reasons that the appeal team agreed were bullshit so they unbanned me, but not before someone else perma-banned me for violating the rules on ‘my other accounts’ – I’ve had a single reddit account for the entire 14 years I’ve been there, I don’t even make throwaways, so, even more bullshit. I appealed that one too, but even if it’s overturned I’m not sure I’m going back. They’ve gotten real fucking fashy all of a sudden with the censorship, banning people for upvoting shit and calling it ‘inciting violence.’ Fuck 'em.
Yeah, it’s textbook enshittification.
That headline should read ‘Capitalist enterprise unsurprisingly open to the idea of making shitloads of money, but we like money too so we wrote an article about something that shouldn’t be news even to small children.’
For me it’s MorningLightMountain and the Primes in general in Peter F. Hamilton’s Commonwealth trilogy. It was just a really cool and unique idea for an alien species, and Hamilton succeeded in making it feel truly alien, explaining its motivations, etc. It was just a really well-realized aspect of the world.
Is… is that building bent? Look at the very top row, the first 6 windows all extend a uniform distance below the top edge of the image, so the camera is straight-on to them (horizontally anyway), but from #7 on they get progressively lower indicating that section of the building is at an angle to the camera.
I know, it’s a weird thing to fixate on, but… ADHD brain is ADHD. :P
What a great album.
Ok, I’m having a brain fart here, but I can’t imagine anything but ‘knights’ for ‘k***hts’. :P