Or they have been paying attention to the wrong thing for years. Imagine if your country allowed a right wing propaganda media arm to masquerade as “news” for 40 years.
Bro the average American is more plugged in and detached from reality than Neo was back when he was just Thomas Anderson. They don’t even know reality is out there.
We fully entered the realm of the hyperreal, a world where simulations of reality seem more real than reality itself. Our digital representations of reality have more influence over us than our actual material conditions…at least until we can no longer afford to eat or have a home.
The Century of the Self documentary is a great introduction to how we got here.
Basically, PR was always about controlling people and never about advertising. Bernays, the father of PR, even says his intentions were to rehabilitate the concept of propaganda, because the general public had begun to see it as a dirty word following WWI.
That was an absolutely amazing detailed explanation of how we got here … everyone everywhere should watch it just to see how and why our current world works the way it does.
The Cigarette Century goes into an aspect of this, and how easily the public were manipulated into consuming cigarettes en masse. And the echoes of the same tactics that are used today.
Or they have been paying attention to the wrong thing for years. Imagine if your country allowed a right wing propaganda media arm to masquerade as “news” for 40 years.
Bro the average American is more plugged in and detached from reality than Neo was back when he was just Thomas Anderson. They don’t even know reality is out there.
We fully entered the realm of the hyperreal, a world where simulations of reality seem more real than reality itself. Our digital representations of reality have more influence over us than our actual material conditions…at least until we can no longer afford to eat or have a home.
The Century of the Self documentary is a great introduction to how we got here.
Basically, PR was always about controlling people and never about advertising. Bernays, the father of PR, even says his intentions were to rehabilitate the concept of propaganda, because the general public had begun to see it as a dirty word following WWI.
That was an absolutely amazing detailed explanation of how we got here … everyone everywhere should watch it just to see how and why our current world works the way it does.
The Cigarette Century goes into an aspect of this, and how easily the public were manipulated into consuming cigarettes en masse. And the echoes of the same tactics that are used today.