It is fine for ham radio’s original purpose: technical experimentation and connecting people. "Don’t discuss politics’ is a long-standing Gentleman’s (woman’s) agreement for a reason.
If you want to encrypt, go for the ISM bands. Lora, meshtastic, whatever happens at 433 MHz, hell even at 2.4 GHz a few 100mW will get you quite far with the right approach.
The difference is, your stuff will be type-checked. No experimentation, no building the crazy antenna idea that will be surelu fine according to your back of the napkin math.
It is fine for ham radio’s original purpose: technical experimentation and connecting people. "Don’t discuss politics’ is a long-standing Gentleman’s (woman’s) agreement for a reason.
If you want to encrypt, go for the ISM bands. Lora, meshtastic, whatever happens at 433 MHz, hell even at 2.4 GHz a few 100mW will get you quite far with the right approach.
The difference is, your stuff will be type-checked. No experimentation, no building the crazy antenna idea that will be surelu fine according to your back of the napkin math.