No, they are way worse
No, they are way worse
There absolutely is a way to make it log more. Simply add a function to dump the data passing through it. Just because right now there is no such function does not mean one cannot be added.
I currently ride a 15-or-so-years old KTM trekking style bike with an assortment of random parts Frankenstein-ed to it. Apparently that and never cleaning it makes it ugly enough to not be stolen in a medium city.
Also, I technically do have an engineering degree, which is why the lights and wiring are, ahem, functional. Most of the time.
If replacing the bike is a concern (I’m assuming due to theft etc), then buy used. Not only do they cost less, they also look cheaper. It does require you to put in some work if you want to be cheap. But that’s the same with a car, it won’t magically change its brakes either.
Auctions by municipalities, police and the like are a good tip if you have time and the skills to determine what is a hopeless trash pile and what is slightly rusted but good quality.
Online listings, but it requires patience.
Bike groups/coops/repair shops, if you have decent ones.
I came here expecting some controversial politics, not “$foreignNation is not a foreign nation to me”. At least he’s an honest idiot.
It is more about being able to constantly spy on everyone. Funny how this exact sentence would have labeled one as a conspiracy nut not too long ago.
Constantly online means constant (more or less) analytics, means constant data to throw in the big computer to make you buy more shit or vote for the shit party.
The one downside is that a lot of people I know have had some nasty accidents and broke a bone or something. Sure, in cars you are also at the risk of kissing a tree at highway speed, but bike accidents feel a lot more common and have a lot less protective metal involved
Gift a man a bike, and he will ride for a year. Gift him bolt cutters, and he will ride forever.
Jokes aside, where are you? Here, good new bikes are ridiculously expensive, but if you know where to look and what to look for, used ones are cheap. You don’t even have to deal with a shady dude in a back alley, a lot of municipalities etc. auction off bikes they confiscate, which are often a few hours of work away from being pretty okay
Honestly, if you look at the world and go “ah yes, majority wiccan”, idk how to help you. Probably by telling you to stop trolling.
That actually sounds quite sane, except the not willing to use weapons part. I would have assumed that would get one straight to alternative service
So, if you are the hyper-manly chest hair and leather jackets gay, you get drafted?
Signal runs just fine without play services for me. It does drain quite a bit of battery without cloud messaging, but that is to be excepted since it needs to keep its own connection up in that case
Still, the whole thing with “list of forbidden guns” sounds, if nothing else, tedious. Do they enact a new law every time a new gun model comes out?
Sometimes. Maybe. If noone looks.
Our air force has working planes?? I call fake news
What is the ping supposed to be like in mycelial networks? I seem to have congestion issues in mine
I am outside of the US, and I do care. Biggest army and economy and so on. Even if not, I would not want to be associated with, idk, Australian wannabe tyrants either.
Somewhere I heard someone say something like we don’t vote for Biden or Trump, we vote for coal. It’s hard to convince single-issue voters when that single issue is the only thing they see every day.
Volla sells rebranded Gigaset with custom operating systems (Ubuntu Touch/VollaOS (degoogled android)). They don’t manufacture themselves.