The post was on [email protected]
When opening the link, it popped up something I didn’t even get to see because it created crashed my browser.
I returned to the post and commented "Jesus, the pop-up on that site is brutal " that’s it, that’s the exact quote because I use an app that stores things from specific sources that are typed in
For being annoying.
Because the mod didn’t like their link being criticised.
I ain’t even mad, I’m just amazed to see a PTB in the wild like that.
You do realize you are exactly describing the current fascist authoritarian regime that is now deliberately and systemically destroying the freedoms of the United States?
Does that make cadet bonespurs krasnov a communist? His kgb code name does come from the Russian word for “red.”
Yes, and we’re about to get to see in real time why it is a terrible idea. No Americans on Lemmy have ever lived through a real economic collapse.
Donald Trump is not a communist, and to even suggest that is absurd. Please at least try to understand what communism means before you apply the label to someone/something.
I never said Trump was a communist. What I meant to say was that he, the USSR, and all share one essential feature: “Give me unchecked power and I’ll use it to make everything right for all the people, for I am a wise and benevolent lord. I’m on the people’s team, your team, and everything I do, I do for the people. So you better be on my team too.”
Ok, but those are not the communist features of those communities
One is economic system and the other is political system
To change economic system fast, a political system in a dictatorship style, is the most efficient but most destructive way.
Thats not communism, thats a dictatorship.
The word you’re looking for is populism.