I noticed that some of the extension cords around the house constantly had empty sockets or their cord was coiled up since it was far too long. Some others had cords constantly being swapped, or the cord was too short and it was laying on the floor, getting dry humped by the robot vacuum.
I took inventory of all the extension cords in the house, mapped their expected required length and socket amounts and swapped them around until I had one that was too long, and one unused socket.
I also have one spare long 3-socket one, since there was one outlet that had one un-used socket, and there were only 2 required, so I could remove the 3-socket long cord extension cord completely.
I haven’t been this happy since I bought a gutter cleaner tool with an extendable handle, so I don’t need to climb on the roof or on a ladder to clean the gutters.
So satisfying, yet just the right dullness for the task, like my favorite butter knife. Touch of class, just like you! Your effort is what makes a house a home. EDIT: Dull ol punctuation.