I’m here for this, a former WoW addict, this is the drama that kept me coming back. Blizzard wumao mess.
the baddest Catholic housewife inna world 🎶CLEAN YOUR ROOM, YOUNG MAN. GO AND FIND YOUR DAD 🎶
I’m here for this, a former WoW addict, this is the drama that kept me coming back. Blizzard wumao mess.
Bello, no holds barred! Wow!
This is something everyone should be discussing, no matter where they are in the political spectrum. There is no point in attempting to build a solar powered (or nuclear powered or wind powered) Utopia if there is no one left to run it. Your country and mine will be a quite chilly retirement home.
Kill all the wild birds, that’ll do it…
Those eyebrows! Not overgroomed, just right!
We have to cover crop here, otherwise the soil amendments just blow away, along with the topsoil. Northern edge of USDA zone 7, the wind has been brutal.
Sweaty, poor man’s Nathan Fillion, never, ever save a reporter’s name on your Special Secret Work Phone, that is just asking for impulsive decisions.
I love a Bester meme, gib me moar. He just scares me.
This is a great idea!
This is also a great idea. Don’t let yourself indulge i n brooding over this, as brooding is not attractive to women, not even if you’re Batman. :) Self-examination and self-improvement are more likely to help attract the people you want into your circle. You already have honesty about yourself, which is a great first step!
But DUIs just make me sad. There’s no material there for my writers.
I’m confused, are we mocking him because he’s incompetent or because he was caught driving under the influence? I can’t prepare pithy remarks until I have more data!
This is is not about you or how much money you have to spend. No one has enough to spend when they’re a student. She’s not committed to anyone and can do as she likes. Your feelings are natural, but they might be misplaced. If you’re interested in her romantically, you could let her know in a way that doesn’t put pressure on her and she will potentially let you know how she feels about you. If she doesn’t reciprocate your feelings, bow out of your friendship with respect and charity for her and for yourself. You will have taken a great risk. Every risk you take helps you to grow as a man. Whatever she says in response, you haven’t lost a thing, in fact, you may be liberating yourself to pursue something even better with someone else.
Sod off, swampy! I read the words “climate army”; I see Captain Planet and the Planeteers, shivering in the dark in their post-nuclear, post fossil utopia.
Never have I seen an ATM within miles of a ranger station, check in, trailhead or campground. That’s why a well prepared hiker brings cash. Even more importantly, don’t forget to bring adequate bags to pick up your dog’s poops, it’s a Timworthy offense. I hope he gets anyone…anyone…who doesn’t clean that up.
An atm at a trailhead? Hwat?
I’ll blind him with a handful of sand, you come in with the sasquatch meter.
The label is much more attractive, the happy slug would look incredible in a neon sign on a space station… why no gorgeous neon? Was Odo on the zoning board?
Digging/hauling/lifting/mixing in the garden until my mind quiets. I have learned to stop before reaching the point of exhaustion when the anxiety actually returns and ramps up higher. I now have all the annual garden space I can manage by myself 10-15 hours a week, but I’m adding more space. Also therapy, venlafaxine and buspirone.