Let’s not mince words. Enough of the soft language.
If you bought a cybertruck, or any Tesla after Musk went full mask off, you are a Nazi collaborator. That is not hyperbole. That is not exaggeration. You are literally a Nazi collaborator. And you have the exact same moral culpability as an Nazi collaborator during the reign of the historical German Nazi Party. You voluntarily signed up to give tens of thousands of dollars to an overt white supremacist hellbent on the extermination of entire social groups. You gave tens of thousands of dollars to a Nazi. You are a Nazi collaborator.
If you use Google, in any way, even by using an Android phone, you agree with the genocide of palestinians. That is not hyperbole. That is not exaggeration.
Sure. A country based on racism, but it’s because of me that it turned out to be racist, even though I’m not a citizen of the USA and I knew it was a fucked up country based on its various issues like killing civilians, spying on everyone for “anti-terrorism” and “fight against CSAM”
Maybe it’s actually because there are many people like this, with many being still in power with no consequences because free speech apparently means freedom of spreading hate and misinformation
Maybe it’s because your country only lets people chose between 2 candidates and has a deeply flawed electoral system that promotes voting for whoever was elected by your favorite side (~left / right) without really thinking. It really is an all or nothing election.
But yea it’s definitely me and people that are like me.
Continue calling everyone a nazi and racist for no reason. You’re really helping the cause and convincing people.
The Trump/Musk government meets all the textbook definitions of fascism. They’re literally sending people, without due process, to overseas gulags. They’re revoking the passports of groups who were also historically targeted by the Nazis. They’re flagrantly violating court orders. They’re using the exact same fear and intimidation tactics employes by the Nazis. The Nazis took over because people like you had a normalcy bias and assumed that the skinheads would never take over the place.
If you want to argue that they’re technically just fascist, and not Nazis, fair enough. But if you need to make that distinction, I think the point is already lost.
It reminds me of centrist Dem politicians. The same group that ran a campaign openly saying that Trump would institute a fascist coup now insist on pretending everything is normal. The greatest weapon of a latter-day fascist is the normalcy bias. Trump won the election because many people assumed those calling Trump a fascist were just exercising ordinary political hyperbole. Now we have an Apartheid billionaire reorganizing the government and a Secretary of Defense that has giant white power tattoo on his chest. The president is openly performing shakedown operations against legal firms and media outlets. And the regime is rounding people up without due process and shipping them off to an overseas gulag. The administration is doing this citing a law that was last used to inter Japanese Americans during WW2.
Hell, my passport was retroactively declared fraudulent because I happen to be a member of one of the groups that the fascists have defined as their internal enemies. My nation’s government has decided that I do not deserve the right to leave the country. When it comes time to renew my passport, I’ll be given a document completely useless for actual travel abroad.
And yet, we’re supposed to play nice and pretend that this isn’t fascism. It meets every definition of the word, but people are so blinded by normalcy bias that they can’t see what’s right in front of their face. They won’t admit it’s fascism until they’re force to tour a literal death camp and walk past piles of charred corpses. And even then, they would have questions of whether this really was fascism.
Let’s not mince words. Enough of the soft language.
If you bought a cybertruck, or any Tesla after Musk went full mask off, you are a Nazi collaborator. That is not hyperbole. That is not exaggeration. You are literally a Nazi collaborator. And you have the exact same moral culpability as an Nazi collaborator during the reign of the historical German Nazi Party. You voluntarily signed up to give tens of thousands of dollars to an overt white supremacist hellbent on the extermination of entire social groups. You gave tens of thousands of dollars to a Nazi. You are a Nazi collaborator.
If you use Google, in any way, even by using an Android phone, you agree with the genocide of palestinians. That is not hyperbole. That is not exaggeration.
true, if you use the internet at all, in any capacity you support the lifestyle of nazis (nazis use the internet)
Fascism took over the US, because people like you thought fascists could never take over the US.
Sure. A country based on racism, but it’s because of me that it turned out to be racist, even though I’m not a citizen of the USA and I knew it was a fucked up country based on its various issues like killing civilians, spying on everyone for “anti-terrorism” and “fight against CSAM”
Maybe it’s actually because there are many people like this, with many being still in power with no consequences because free speech apparently means freedom of spreading hate and misinformation
Maybe it’s because your country only lets people chose between 2 candidates and has a deeply flawed electoral system that promotes voting for whoever was elected by your favorite side (~left / right) without really thinking. It really is an all or nothing election.
But yea it’s definitely me and people that are like me.
Continue calling everyone a nazi and racist for no reason. You’re really helping the cause and convincing people.
Y’all are cheapening the meaning of Nazi. Call him a moron or something else.
The Trump/Musk government meets all the textbook definitions of fascism. They’re literally sending people, without due process, to overseas gulags. They’re revoking the passports of groups who were also historically targeted by the Nazis. They’re flagrantly violating court orders. They’re using the exact same fear and intimidation tactics employes by the Nazis. The Nazis took over because people like you had a normalcy bias and assumed that the skinheads would never take over the place.
If you want to argue that they’re technically just fascist, and not Nazis, fair enough. But if you need to make that distinction, I think the point is already lost.
Thank you so much, I’m sick of people defending this shit, they can fuck right off. Dude has been a full blown Nazi for a hot minute too
It reminds me of centrist Dem politicians. The same group that ran a campaign openly saying that Trump would institute a fascist coup now insist on pretending everything is normal. The greatest weapon of a latter-day fascist is the normalcy bias. Trump won the election because many people assumed those calling Trump a fascist were just exercising ordinary political hyperbole. Now we have an Apartheid billionaire reorganizing the government and a Secretary of Defense that has giant white power tattoo on his chest. The president is openly performing shakedown operations against legal firms and media outlets. And the regime is rounding people up without due process and shipping them off to an overseas gulag. The administration is doing this citing a law that was last used to inter Japanese Americans during WW2.
Hell, my passport was retroactively declared fraudulent because I happen to be a member of one of the groups that the fascists have defined as their internal enemies. My nation’s government has decided that I do not deserve the right to leave the country. When it comes time to renew my passport, I’ll be given a document completely useless for actual travel abroad.
And yet, we’re supposed to play nice and pretend that this isn’t fascism. It meets every definition of the word, but people are so blinded by normalcy bias that they can’t see what’s right in front of their face. They won’t admit it’s fascism until they’re force to tour a literal death camp and walk past piles of charred corpses. And even then, they would have questions of whether this really was fascism.
Yup I agree. Centrists and neoliberalism is a cancer of this country, literally enables fascism.
Totally agree. Their ignorance is not a defence at this point.