• @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Kennedy, bringing a centrist Democrat will decimate the the right. I’m a Republican and I will vote for Kennedy if he gets the D nod. We all know he won’t but thats the current state of affairs.

    We need to get back to sanity, we need centrists. We need unity and a candidate like Kennedy will get us back on track.


    I type faster than I think and left out a few bits.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Kennedy the antivaxxer and antisemitic conspiracy theorist? He’s not a centrist and he has no political experience. He would lose most Democratic votes and gain a sliver of votes from Republicans.

      Enough trolling. You’re not serious if you think RFK Jr is a centrist.

        • @[email protected]
          1311 months ago

          No, YOU need to find a library and read up on why vaccines are proven not to cause autism and why RFK is grifting you for money. Once you get past that then we can talk about centrism in America.

          • @[email protected]
            -1211 months ago

            When did I say vaccines cause autism? He hasn’t got a nickle from me I just agree with his stance on many topics? He is far more center than any other candidate from the left or the right.

            But I’ll get on that library membership ASAP, thankfully its not two blocks from me.

        • Flying Squid
          711 months ago

          Yes, we definitely “need” the question of “did the Chinese create COVID as a bioweapon but spared their Jewish allies” answered. That needs a deep investigation for sure because it’s just so plausible.

        • @[email protected]
          011 months ago

          I mean this is pure anecdotal evidence but since I’m on the other side of the Atlantic I don’t know what reality is like. However I read a lot of opinions that were positive towards Bernie, he has quite powerful arguments and is focused on the good things. Felt like real grassroots.

          Then again, I’m not sure it’s possible. Wall Street literally conspired to coup the gubernment when they didn’t get what they want. Who killed Kennedy?

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            If Bernie was an option, I’m certain he would’ve won. Still, you’re not wrong about people in power not being huge fans of the guy.

      • @[email protected]
        -1811 months ago

        You will never get that commie elected and that why the DNC dumps him every time. But he doesn’t have the sand to go Ross and run 3rd party because he knows he will be on the outs w/ the DNC

        • Flying Squid
          611 months ago

          Do please define “commie” and explain how Bernie Sanders fits that mold.

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          He’s the only one that I’ve heard people actually support, not being a wall street henchman. Remember the literal train wreck where they “had to” poison the whole area by burning toxic substances? Remember how the corporations lied to everyone about it?

          But surely this was a one off and not the status quo

          • @[email protected]
            -1211 months ago

            How many houses does he own? Champion of the people he is not. He’s just as corrupt and thats why he steps aside when he gets passed over. He is a wimp. If that guy had a set he would have run in 2016 as an independent, but nope he towed the DNC line. BS is BS

            • @[email protected]
              011 months ago

              Did he steal the houses? He worked tirelessly for, I don’t know how long, with a voting history favouring workers’ rights. We don’t know what backroom deals are made, but I’m sure Wall Street would hate it if their puppets lost

      • @[email protected]
        -1211 months ago

        You may want to talk to someone… IDK what a siberian candidate is or how wagner equates to RFK. I would like to hear more about this as I am generally mystified on this.

    • @[email protected]
      611 months ago

      It’s cute that you think Kennedy will be a spoiler, but no Democrats will vote for him. Sorry. If he does manage to get on the ballot in some states as an independent it will be in red states and only a few anti-vaccine conspiracy dumbfucks will vote him. Don’t kid yourself.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Sorry, but, the Democratic Party are not supporting a conspiracy theorist. As a progressive one, it is just not gonna happen. I vote progressive on the downballot and pick the most reasonable choice on the primary, and this year, that would be Biden. You’re free to write him in though.