Hi. I am using macOS. so, what UNIX like OS are you using?

  • Sauce
    21 year ago

    MacOS for work (very simple wireless packet captures, full m$ office suite with little effort). Servers are Debian, used to be Arch but I didn’t upgrade enough / I upgraded too much / you get the idea and things went boom too often (Nextcloud in particular). Does SteamOS count too? I think it’s pretty rad.

    • borari
      21 year ago

      Do you run SteamOS on a Steam Deck, or are you just running it on a PC? Actually has Volvo even released an install ISO for SteamOS?

      • Sauce
        51 year ago

        Aye just on the Steam Deck, but it could be interesting to run it on a beefy desktop. I spent about 6 months running only Fedora on my gaming rig and things worked pretty well. I got back into World of Warcraft and it worked awesome until they released a patch and it didn’t work for days…I was too cracked out on wow so limped back to wintendo. I’ve been wow free for 6 months now so it might be time to give it a go again.

        Also lol @ Volvo releasing a SteamOS ISO, had to read that twice

        • borari
          1 year ago

          Also lol @ Volvo releasing a SteamOS ISO, had to read that twice

          Haha, yeah it’s a holdover force of bad habit from CS.

      • Platypus
        21 year ago

        looks like it–I’m gonna try it out whenever I get a spare couple hours. Really excited for what SteamOS could mean for linux gaming