I think it’s pretty neat, at least from a commander perspective. Making non-legendary creatures into legendary creatures can add some cool synergies with cards like Ratadrabik of Urborg.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I ranted about it a bit in this post. But I do think the idea of promoting random creatures to legendary is pretty funny. Imagine countering [[Cast Down]] with, like, [[Sauron’s Ransom]].

    • pancakesOP
      51 year ago

      You raise some good points. I can’t find the article but Maro actually did address why the ring tempting you doesn’t have a drawback. Apparently it’s because players wouldn’t want to engage with the mechanic or find it as fun to use if it’s a major drawback.

      While I don’t love the reason, since one path could have been to make cards that tempt you inherently stronger to compensate for having a downside, I guess it does make sense. Still a bit of a flavour fail though.

      • Quit_this_instance
        31 year ago

        Whaaaat this c is like a day old how does it already have this? I am so impressed, you guys.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Would turning the target into a legendary make Cast Down fizzle, since you would choose the targets for cast down on cast and your chosen target would originally be legendary