Howdy, I recently gave some new life to an old 1980s raleigh road bike that I found on craigslist turned into a commuter. The tires are somewhat old, and I’m looking into replacing them. Would you recommend any different sizes for the wheels? Brands to look for? It’s not a common size tire on modern bikes. Also, I currently have 700 x 35c inner tubes in the tires. Is that an issue or will they work just fine for now? They were provided to me by my local bike shop.
While 27" is an old standard, you can still get modern tires in that size. Bike Tires Direct has a decent selection from quality brands. (link) No need to replace the wheels.
I’m partial to Continental Gatorskins myself.
Your 700cx35 tube will work fine in a 27x1.25" tire.