Was reminded how Epstien not killing himself was/is so accepted yet it’s still a conspiracy theory. Is there any similar ones you guys believe to be completely true ?

  • @potterpockets
    17911 months ago

    MLK was killed by the US Government/with Government warning and approval not because of his policies on race, but because his message was getting (though somewhat always had been) socialist/anti-capitalist, and between the historic fear of slave revolts, the new fear of communist revolutions, and the monied business interests not wanting to cede any power they ended MLK to prevent potential calls for a social revolution.

    • flipht
      9911 months ago

      It’s insane how many left leaning leaders were assassinated. And it isn’t a coincidence that it was during the red scare. What we KNOW about McCarthyism is crazy enough, now think of all the stuff they wouldn’t say out loud to fight the “red menace.”

      • Alto
        11 months ago

        J Edgar Hoover wanted to round up all the “leftists” and put them in camps.

        I put quotes around leftist because simply not hating black people was enough to get you on that list.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        People are so unaware how common politically motivated murder was in the late 19th/early 20th century in the US. Our country is rittled with shallow graves belonging to labor and civil rights activists. Wikipedia for example has a list documenting anti-labor murders totaling just over 1100 that we know of. Much of that violence was especially targeted towards black labor organizers.

      • @[email protected]
        911 months ago

        In both the BLM movement and OWS, leaders and organizers were still meeting untimely deaths and I don’t think the clandestine agencies of government have changed enough, (or at all), to rule them out.

    • sadreality
      2911 months ago

      Also tupac and biggie got removed becuase they spoke about things elites didnt like to be replaced by the prosperity rap clowns to worship them and their money to the plebs.

    • Alto
      1911 months ago

      That ones not really a conspiracy. We know the FBI did it.

      People just don’t care, which is the most fucked up part

      • Domriso
        2011 months ago

        That doesn’t make it not a conspiracy, it makes it not a conspiracy theory. Instead, it is a factual conspiracy that is just not well known.

      • @[email protected]
        711 months ago

        People care, but what are you going to do? Until the majority is ready to violently overthrow corrupt institutions you’re stuck with it. Now getting the majority to agree on which ones are corrupt… hoo boy. Good luck, America.

    • @[email protected]
      -1611 months ago

      Do you really think making a martyr out of MLK is a strategy the US gov wouldn’t have anticipated had they murdered him/let him be murdered?

      Dude would not be what he is today had he not been murdered.

      • Domriso
        1711 months ago

        But as a martyr the government can paint him as being only about racism, not about economics.

        • @potterpockets
          1311 months ago

          Also he was assassinated 4 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, so to say he wouldnt remembered without being killed is a gross exaggeration. It may have boosted his legacy, but there is not doubt he would still be an important figure in American history.

      • @[email protected]
        1411 months ago

        Have you ever listened to MLK speak or read anything he’s written? Dude would absolutely be what he is today if he had not been murdered.

        • @[email protected]
          -811 months ago

          Have you ever listened to MLK speak or read anything he’s written?

          No I was raised in Antarctica.

          Dude would absolutely be what he is today if he had not been murdered.

          Not a chance. There is no shortage of motivational speakers in this world.