• @[email protected]
    9311 months ago

    Do any of these fuckers have any idea what “fraud” is? Or the first clue what evidence of it would look like?

    I swear to God, they think they can just say it over and over, and will it into being true. Fuck them forever. Never vote Republican, and always vote.

    • @[email protected]
      4411 months ago

      Joe Rogan got famous playing an idiot that can’t understand basic shit on a TV show…

      And then we all found out he wasn’t acting.

      He’s unapologetically ignorant but for some reason thinks he knows more than everyone else.

    • @[email protected]
      4011 months ago

      Considering trump lost over 60 court cases for not being able to produce a single shred of evidence of election fraud, I’m afraid the answer is no, the republicans do not in fact have any idea what facts are. And they love to cry about it.

    • @[email protected]
      2811 months ago

      They know they’re lying, but if they say it enough that all their followers believe it, it doesn’t have to be true.

      • @[email protected]
        711 months ago

        I was pondering this only this morning. How cynical they have to be to lie so blatantly and know their followers will eat it up. And the contempt they must have for their base of idiots, knowing how easily they are led.

    • @jscummy
      211 months ago

      I’m sure a lot of them know what fraud is, unless it’s more of a Kevin Malone situation where he has to have insider trading explained multiple times “because it sounds a lot like what I do every day”