Most of the time when people say they have an unpopular opinion, it turns out it’s actually pretty popular.

Do you have some that’s really unpopular and most likely will get you downvoted?

  • icepuncher69
    2 years ago

    We should build an A.I. overlord so that it replaces our current leadership like politicians and the entire market bussines specially the top, so that it can exploit resources in a reneuable way that is already possible right now but you know… lobying and fucking oil companies, and redistribute them to the population in a just way incluiding but not limited to food (nice food not rations), housing, medical services, psichological support (but the real one not the human resources bullshit), entertainment and internet access, and eventually be able to make custom orders like custom furniture, video game capable aparatus, modifing your house, travel and even swimmimg pools and ice cream. Besides i think our survival hinges on us making something about our leadership since there is at least one major problem that we need fixed that our current leadership is not gonna solve i.e. golbal warming, since they rather sell their souls and their people to the oil companies, and replacing them (even with a coup) is just gonna put more corruptible people that are gonna get bought out by some other straigth up cartoonishly evil entity, or they themselves turning into it or being overtrown by it, and destroying the entity would require a massive effort and thats not happening without mass destruction and even if it is destroyed another one will rise up from the chaos caused by the anti corporate war. So the sollution would be a singularity level A.I.

      • icepuncher69
        2 years ago

        Thats why it should be in a singularity level, so that it can go fix those biases if they are ever present, and i dont wanna sound intolerant or anything, but i think bigger issues that lead to biasses having a bad effect would be solved before hand, like scarcity, amd i dont know if i mentioned this but it should be abble to give psicological treatment (the real one not the human resources bullshit) so that crime would be mittigated as much as possible since everyone could be as hedonistic as morally possible and be lucid and aware of it so that they pursue more fullfiling activities like self betterment or other things like art, science, exploration, philosofy (yess really), making friends and meting people or being with their loved ones. I mean something like the novel series The Culture. And besides tech bros are asholes, and if a corporation whants to make it will probably end up as skynet or that ill simply perpetuate the system we have now, so it would be preferable that it be made kinda like the way linux was made and i wanna say bitcoin but theres a high chance that that was made by shadow forces so nah. Just so that you know what our leadership does for climate change, check this out.

      • funkless_eck
        2 years ago

        but what about me? I’m a middle aged white guy with a Master’s degree who grew up in an English speaking country — therefore I have no biases!


    • richieadler 🇦🇷
      1 year ago

      We should build an A.I. overlord so that it replaces our current leadership like politicians and the entire market bussines specially the to

      This is the stuff of nightmares and I hope it never happens.

      We are abysmally far away from having the ability to create a general AI, and we risk that the current “IAs” are put in control for people like the inept computer engineer in War Games who put Joshua aka WOPR in control of a system without fully understanding it (because it was completely outside of its model).

      • icepuncher69
        1 year ago

        I didnt mean language models or a machine learning program, i meant a full on artifical inteligence, singularity type shit, beneficial of course, although imo something on the level of what we have could do, hell, something even les sofisticated could work as long as its well thought out.

        We are not there yet in the singularity level , but my main gripe is how easly corruptible the human spirit is and how positions of power atract terrible people that shouldnt probably even be allowed to own pets, and the fact that the chain of command is made unintentionally (or intentionally) in a way so that these type of people can prosper more easly.

          • icepuncher69
            1 year ago

            My main gripe is how easly corruptible the human spirit is and how positions of power atract terrible people that shouldnt probably even be allowed to own pets, and the fact that the chain of command is made unintentionally (or intentionally) in a way so that these type of people can prosper more easly.

            My idea for the A.I. is to solve those problems, but there are probably other ways to solve them, i myself cant really think of one that doesnt involve a higer being or higer inteligence guiding humanity to the future.

            No mater what political/economical system you come up with it will always end up with any form of corruption that ends up spreading and causing more harm than order, my go to example for this would be global warming and big oil lobying the world leaders into submision while defilling the planet, and anny type of solution that gets legislated and enforced is always directed toward the general poulation and not big corporations. You could argue that its because of rampant late stage capitalism, and it is, but im pretty sure simmilar situations could happen even under a comunal anarchick hippie cult if someone that wants power mannages to get enough followers and gaslight most of the cult into accepting that the will of the leader is divine and they should focus their resourses unto building guns to force the will of the leader into other people inside and outside of the cult, and the remaining resourses into making the leaders favorite pies that only the leader can eat even if everybody else starves. Of course this is a ridiculous example, but i think my point gets across.

            The problem lies in how we humans socialice or at least on how do we govern ourselves. Carisma wins popularity contests over anything else, and popularity wins against any other type of reasoning, and power always corrupts and you end up at best with an uncaring governmet that only cares for itself and its aperances than for the wellbeing of the people, and carisma channeled throught propaganda and mindgames makes sure people stay on their lane.

            I think that if a benefic entity can game this system but also actually have our best interests in mind, we could achieve something close to heaven on earth, and probably other planets to.

            • richieadler 🇦🇷
              1 year ago

              Politics are pretty bleak. They will not be solved by dreaming of nonsense about singularities, omnibenevolent AIs, “heaven on Earth”, or colonization of other planets. Most likely nothing of that will ever happen.

              • icepuncher69
                1 year ago

                Alrighty then…

                I didnt whant to do this but:

                What would you propose?

                  • icepuncher69
                    1 year ago

                    Alrighth then, gonna stop argue mode and just gonna go full ad homniem cuz you dont seem to budge.

                    Whats the dumb point of just answering then hu? You dont refute anything i tell you you just say “no cuz its dumb and i hate you” whats the point then? Why is it bad to believe that shit? Cuz you say so? At least tell me why you think it will never exist, because of some technicality in A.I. development that i dont know about or because it wont be possible to replicate a thinking brain no mather what is made of or something dumb like that humanity should control their own future no matter how fucked up leadership is. We are at a point in human progress where imposible shit its becoming the norm now, like 3d printed organs, language models, drones, etc. What should we do if not look for ways to make peoples lifes better applying or making this tech better? Just up and go die from climate change? Are you one of those people that think the world would be better if we all die? I bet you might even be an anti natalist, you know, those kids that say we shouldnt bring any more humans into the world cuz “linkin park song lyrics (Crawling throught mu skiiiiiiin)”. Grow up m8, humanity will go on whatever you like it or not and more impossible shit is gonna be created and released to the public.

                    Sorry for this but you kinda drove me nuts with your indiference.

                    Edit: Taking a small peek at your profile made me realice its even more of a waste of time to even try to have a conversation here. But well what did i expect answering to a 2 month old post.