A joint U.S.-Mexico topographical survey found that 787 feet of the 995-feet-long buoy line set up by Texas are in Mexico.

  • Tb0n3
    -15110 months ago

    The state of Texas has to deal with the problem a lot more than the feds do.

    • Neato
      9510 months ago

      Too bad for Texas that the constitution outlines that only the federal government has the right to deal with other countries. Both the Treaty Clause and Logan Act cover this base. Texas is wrong.

    • Unaware7013
      5810 months ago

      Texas has much bigger problems they should be dealing with. Having a reliable grid should be a much bigger priority than the border, but Texas would rather kill people (at the border, or just in their own homes during a snowstorm) than fix their actual problems.

      But hey, that’s the republican MO.

      • Tb0n3
        -4710 months ago

        Having control of the border is not a partisan issue.

        • @[email protected]
          2110 months ago

          Killing people with buoy saws and nets is absolutely not a partisan issue. What is that we’re discussing here, again?

          • @[email protected]
            -2510 months ago

            There’s an easy way to avoid the murder buoy saws called “stop crossing the border illegally”.

          • Tb0n3
            -2810 months ago

            If only you could use your eyes. There were never any saws only scallop edged plates designed to keep people from being able to grab between the buoys and slide through. The nets can also be understood to be barriers In place to stop people from diving under the bouys. Without seeing a picture of the nets, I cannot make any claims to their danger because they could be a fine mesh or they could be a rope net. One would be stubstantially more dangerous than the other.

    • @[email protected]
      4810 months ago

      The vast majority of illegal immigrants overstay their visas. You’re looking at the southern border, you should be looking at airports

    • norbert
      2810 months ago

      You seriously think Texas has to deal with more immigration than the entirety of the rest of the U.S.?

      Critical thinking really needs to be taught in school.

      • Tb0n3
        -3910 months ago

        I think that TEXAS has to deal with illegal immigration across the TEXAS boarder into TEXAS. I said nothing about anywhere else and the amount of immigrants they have to deal with.

        • norbert
          3310 months ago

          The Border Patrol and Customs (in the Department of Homeland Security) is actually responsible for securing borders. States do not get to decide how their borders are enforced.

          We all have to deal with illegal immigration, most of which doesn’t even happen on the southern border. We manage to do it without building death traps or tricking people into getting on busses and sending them to states we don’t like.

          I know Texas and Abbot think they’re special but they’re wrong.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            I mean, states DO get to determine a hell of a lot about their borders.

            Immigration mostly isn’t one, though.