cross-posted from:

I lost almost 50 pounds by calorie counting back in 2015, then stopped counting and spent the next six years slowly putting it all back on. I’ve used Libra to track my weight, and you can see the half-hearted attempts over the years to halt that upward progress.

I’ve been sick of being overweight, of feeling sluggish and unattractive, and of having a hard time doing things l love like hiking and rock climbing. I stress eat a lot, and not to jinx things, but I’ve finally reduced the stressors in my life where I’m feeling really good about this latest weight loss spree.

Fingers crossed I’ll be posting here sometime in the new year about having hit my goal weight!

[Image description: a line graph with the x-axis from 2014 to 2023, and the y-axis from 108 to 160lbs, the charted line showing a steep drop, and a jagged climb, with the last couple years hovering over an “overweight” demarcation.]

  • MrsDoyle
    1 year ago

    I eat most when I’m relaxed, sadly. I absolutely love food, especially savoury things, and I’m a decent cook. I lost weight ahead of knee surgery, to aid recovery - and it really did help. I used myfitnesspal too, though it sort of hurts to look at now, after the backsliding. I’ll check out loseit, thanks. Most recently I tried intermittent fasting, where you eat only between 8am and 8pm for example, but boy that did not work for me!