A joint U.S.-Mexico topographical survey found that 787 feet of the 995-feet-long buoy line set up by Texas are in Mexico.

  • Cethin
    10 months ago

    Sure. Here’s a few: https://news.wisc.edu/undocumented-immigrants-far-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-in-u-s-than-citizens/

    https://www.cato.org/blog/immigration-crime-what-research-says (The Cato institute is a libertarian institute. Libertarian should mean socially liberal, including more friendly with immigrants and more towards open borders, but they’re usually conservative.)

    I’m not going to spend all day finding you more. It’s easy to research. I doubt it matters how many sources I provide, but you can find whichever ones you like. There’s plenty of data on it.

    • Tb0n3
      -710 months ago

      If you really think about it the crime rate of ILLEGAL aliens is 100%. Crossing the border illegally is a crime they have all committed.

      • Cethin
        10 months ago

        Like I said, I doubt it matters what evidence I provide. You’ll find a way to justify your beliefs instead of adjusting them as you get new evidence. It’s the typical human response. We like to act like humans are rational, but the vast majority of people the majority of the time are driven by emotion. We’d rather ignore evidence if it forces us to reconsider our views.

        Beliefs do not make a person. It will not hurt to change them. You’ll still be yourself. It doesn’t mean anything bad that you changed your beliefs, really it only means something good. It means they you can consider new information and adjust to it, instead of ignoring it which would be bad.

      • Shalakushka
        110 months ago

        Have you ever jaywalked? Should you have been put to death for it?

        • Tb0n3
          010 months ago

          Jaywalking has a fine. Illegal immigration has deportation.

          • Shalakushka
            110 months ago

            Right, it would be bad if they put fuckin buzzsaws in the non crosswalk parts of roads to deter jaywalking. It would be monstrous. You however, see that and go, “those jaywalkers get what they DESERVE” because there is something broken in you that you’ve filled up with contrarianism and petulant nationalism.

            • Tb0n3
              010 months ago

              They are not saws. It’s the same as barbed wire on a fence. It’s there to make it more difficult to climb through the thin patr between bouys.