For me, personally, It would be Snatch. It’s such a great movie that I could watch again and again. So many interesting characters and a unique style that sets it apart from so many other movies. There’s just that extra something in that movie

What about you, fellow Lemmites? What is your favourite movie?

  • @[email protected]
    1311 months ago

    Lawrence of Arabia - for all-time classics

    Aliens - for sci Fi

    Evil Dead - for horror

    Life of Brian - for comedy

    It’s impossible to pick a single film across all genres and even then, it was painful to leave out a movie like Pacific Rim, or Young Frankenstein.

    • @Classy
      1011 months ago

      For horror? Carpenter’s The Thing.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      I’ve been watching a lot of classics lately and I’ve never actually seen Lawrence of Arabia. It’s kind of intimidating at almost four hours and those older movies are often a slog. Obviously you’re gonna say yes because it’s one of your favorites, but do you think I should check it out?

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        I would recommend any movie by David Lean (the director). It’s a beautifully shot and beautifully acted epic that they frankly don’t make anymore. I couldn’t recommend it enough. Peter O’Toole and Omar Sharif are amazing.