• @[email protected]
    011 months ago

    As someone who’s working in benefits and taxation for over a decade, you’re living in a fantasy world mate, you can give people all the money in the world, but lots of them won’t save it or budget for a rainy day as you expect, they’ll spend it all and then be in the lurch when the emergency hits. We’ve tried it your way, that’s how society used to work and amazingly it didn’t end up with everyone magically emancipated from need or want, it just created huge social divisions between the haves and have nots, thays why we invented the welfare state to balance those things out.

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 months ago

      Yes giving people money always results in waste. That is why the state wastes most of the tax money they steal. To be valued it needs to be earned.

      You have been told the story of the past about how the government saved the day by government schools.