Just saw this very movie posted over at Full Movies on YouTube, but—gasp!—colorized!

So these new AI Ted Turners wanna play with their new tech toys, well, that’s all fine and dandy…but leave the noir in Film Noir, thank you. For your viewing pleasure, in the original and glorious black and white, just like the newspaper they’re printin’, the great Humphrey Bogart in Deadline – U.S.A.!

EXTRA! EXTRA! Link: the original trailer in 1080HD!

  • @FigMcLargeHuge
    11 year ago

    Yet another reason to hate so called artificial “intelligence”.

    • King MongooseOPM
      11 year ago

      Oooh…hold on there, tiger! 🐯 AFAIC that vote isn’t in yet but I will say this: the AI colorization is far better than (stealing @moonbairn 's epithet) clueless Philistine Ted Turner’s versions, wouldn’t you agree?

      • @FigMcLargeHuge
        1 year ago

        I can’t say, as I haven’t seen an AI colorized movie that I know of. Maybe I have and I don’t know, but either way, I definitely agree with you on the Turner versions. They sure screwed the pooch there. They were godawful. I mean they still are. Guess I need to go give the one in the link . Wish me luck.

        • @FigMcLargeHuge
          1 year ago

          Well that took all of 2 mins… That is horrible. The credits are atrocious, and the first scene, well his face is colorized, but it didn’t recognize his ears. So his face is in color and his ears are b/w. Also they put in a watermark at the top right. FFS.

          Example: https://imgur.com/a/t8606sT

          • King MongooseOPM
            11 year ago

            Color(ize) me embarassed!

            I’d seen something AI colorized (sorry, can’t remember the example) and I thought it looked pretty good. I need temper the term “pretty good” because it still is obviously colorized. But I hadn’t watched the colorized Deadline – U.S.A. Your screenshot is dreadful! My apologies! In this case you were right the first time: another reason to hate so-called AI! 😄

            • @FigMcLargeHuge
              11 year ago

              No need to apologize. Even if it wasn’t this obvious, I would think something like colorization is going to be an individual preference. Something might look fine to you, and just feel off to someone else. I think my overall feeling is that they should just leave things alone regardless. There’s a reason I love these old movies.