• Flying Squid
    310 months ago

    It’s not directly about Judaism. It’s directly about their Christian belief that the Temple needs to be rebuilt in Jerusalem for Jesus to return.

    And then all the Jews get thrown into Hell.

    They care about Israel because it’s a tool for them. The Jews can go fuck themselves once they’ve done their job as far as they’re concerned.

    • @mindbleach
      -110 months ago

      Uh huh. And their opinions about Islam aren’t really about Islam; they’re just a tool for talking about brown people. Thanks for playing along.

      • Flying Squid
        310 months ago

        You literally said:

        Go on. Tell me that’s not directly about Judaism, as a religion.

        And I told you that and why. So I’m not sure what your deal is now.

        • @mindbleach
          010 months ago

          … what’s the next sentence, after that.

          • Flying Squid
            310 months ago

            Again- you asked for something. I gave you what you asked. Now you’re bitching about it.

            • @mindbleach
              -110 months ago

              No, I’m using a comparison for illustrative purposes. This is a common rhetorical device.

              I’m not even bitching about anything - I thanked you for doing as asked. But I didn’t actually need the comparison spelled out, because I was spelling it out, in that request. ‘It’s not directly about either religion’ is the point I was making.

              • fknM
                210 months ago

                People aren’t mind readers nor should you treat them like morons. Say your piece and make your point. This kind of antagonistic semi-“friendly” shit will get you banned for longer next time.

                • @mindbleach
                  110 months ago

                  That is not at all what happened here.

                  Someone asked me to explain what I said… so I did.

                  What else was I supposed to do? It was sincere and direct. I never so much as hinted at the other user’s personage or internal state. This was bone-dry and still treated like I was the one making hostile accusations.

                  I said up-front, the rhetorical suggestion was for a direct comparison. Someone did it anyway. So I made the direct comparison, using their words… and thanked them for making it even more explicit.

                  This user then accused me of “bitching about” their reply, when my reply was, ‘exactly.’ They took offense over literally nothing. Again, days later, I have no idea what I could have said differently. If politely explaining conversational English is treated as an attack, do I just shut up and take my lumps?

                  When I am antagonistic toward someone, it is not subtle. A practice I’m unlikely to second-guess, if detailed patience is rewarded with a boot in the ass.