I’m pretty chill and down to earth, feel like there’s a lot of hate towards us.

  • kersplooshA
    10 months ago

    Can you elaborate on the ways in which you are “conservative?” That’s a broad term that means different things to different people and in different contexts.

    Financially conservative: you avoid debt and speculative investments? Religiously conservative: you favor old-fashioned Latin rite Catholicism rather than post-Vatican II Catholicism or more modern Protestant traditions? Socially conservative: you support strict criminal punishments, heavy restrictions on booze/weed/gambling, and censorship of foul language or violence in media? Or maybe you don’t fall neatly into any of those “conservative” stereotypes?

    • Yoryo
      410 months ago

      Ah you beat me to it and worded it better. Op has to be financially and religious conservative based on their responses.