• @[email protected]
    181 year ago

    You’re victim blaming. Literally saying it’s the fault of the lgbt that they’re not liked, and putting the onus on the lgbt for that person’s intolerance and lack of education. Why is it my job to educate and fix these bigots?

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I apologize, yes I can now see how this was victim blaming. Firstly I should say that I’m an outsider to US politics so I’m still trying to get to grips on what exactly is going on.

      Do I understand the following correctly? The conservatives obviously made the first act of aggression by jeopardising the LGBT community’s rights. This means that any subsequent counterattacks made by the LGBT community will purely be in an effort to defend themselves, ie. to incapacitate them from further jeopardising their rights. What I fail to see is how defacing their symbol will achieve that. In the worst(?) case, it provokes them, in the best case they end up surrounded by fewer blue line flags but still an equally threatening group of conservatives. I understand that the person may have done it out of pure frustration, to feel revenge, but in that case touching somebody else’s stuff is hardly morally justifiable if it’s not a means to a greater end.

      Sorry if it appears that I’m being ignorant, I’m just trying to gain an insight into what’s going on here by getting it wrong and getting corrected.

      • @ZodiacSF1969
        51 year ago

        Don’t worry, you weren’t being ignorant. People are just overtly politically aggressive on this site.

    • @can
      11 year ago

      Defacing property gives them ammunition. Don’t get caught.

    • @ZodiacSF1969
      -61 year ago

      Thin blue line flag != intolerance.

      Some people who use it are bigots, yes. But the only ‘victim’ in this specific situation is the person whose car was vandalized.

      • @ElderWendigo
        1 year ago

        Thin blue line flag != intolerance.

        That’s just false. The thin blue line is by definition a tribal mind set. It’s all about the in-group vs. the out-group and demonizing that out-group. All of which is the beating heart of intolerance.

        Guess I’ve upset the bootlickers that haven’t figured out the difference between describing intolerance and being intolerant.

        • @[email protected]
          -41 year ago

          Aaaand with this post, you are totally not following that tribal mindset yourself? You are doing the exact same thing

          • @ZodiacSF1969
            -41 year ago

            Exactly. But in their mindset, it’s OK to do so because ‘ACAB’ and other bullshit generalizations, exactly the thing they call out when applied to their favorite groups.