I joined reddit on the tailwind, so it was all echo chamber, we hate newcomers, gatekeeping, automod frenzy, too many rulebreakers, too many rules, etc I could be wrong, but thats what I imagine it used to be like.

  • Flying Squid
    110 months ago

    Deal with what? You’re the only one here who gives a shit about this.

    • @mindbleach
      110 months ago

      Says user incensed by an alleged attack.

      You don’t know what you want.

      • Flying Squid
        110 months ago

        Please quote me being ‘incensed’ and explain how you could figure out my emotional state from text. This should be interesting.

        • @mindbleach
          110 months ago

          I couldn’t prove the sky is blue, if you’re going to be hostile to any text under my username.

          You are complaining about me insulting you. Which never happened. Substitute whatever summary of that is dry enough; that is the problem and I am asking you what else you wanted.

          Jesus Christ, take yes for an answer.

            • @mindbleach
              110 months ago

              No, you aren’t. That’s the problem. You could just hit Show Context a few times, and see what I’m talking about, where you scoffed at the suggestion I hadn’t insulted you. Or you could remember when you wrote that, like, an hour ago. But you’re making extremely specific demands as if the exact word I used must be the exact word you used, or else I’m completely wrong about everything.

              How dare I say you say I said a thing, just because that’s plainly what happened.

              More to the point - how dare I project any sort of internal state onto you, in this discussion of how you have done exactly that to me.

              I am telling you there was no insult in answering your comments directly and accurately. You cannot believe that. And that inability is somehow my fault. Aaand asking how I could do better is just further insult, and also my fault.

              The nature of bad faith is that there is no right answer.

              • Flying Squid
                110 months ago

                I guess you lied when you said I was incensed. I wonder why you lied?

                  • Flying Squid
                    110 months ago

                    Insulting me won’t make a lie true. Sorry. If you didn’t lie, you can quote me. But I’m pretty sure you lied.