• @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    No, I want them to slowly and steadily build and fortify settlements where people can live free from the oppressive regime.

    Taking the entire country at once is asinine. Build smaller settlements within it to slowly change the culture over generations.

    It won’t be easy, but it’s the only viable solution unless a cultural shift happens from within (it won’t.)

    Wake me up when these problems get solved doing something I don’t suggest.

    • @Apollo
      010 months ago

      You’d have to take the land first, which means dismantling the government, which means having to occupy the nation.

      There’s no such thing as a fortified settlement in a world where artillery and precision guided munitions exist.

      • @[email protected]
        -110 months ago

        Sure there is, lol.

        Find a place where people welcome intervention and go from there. Start small and build out over time. Will it happen without violence? Unlikely, but I’m interested to see if the problems ever get solved doing something I don’t suggest.

        Let me know when that happens. I can wait.

        • @Apollo
          110 months ago

          What you are suggesting would require defeating in detail the military of Iran, which would need to be followed by an occupation of the country likely against a well armed, trained, and motivated resistance.

          Countries don’t tend to take losing parts of themselves too kindly, it is not possible to “start small and build out from there”.

          What you are suggesting is frankly not a very well thought out idea, so the smarmy “LOL LET ME KNOW WHEN THAT WORKS” just comes across as immature.

          Let me know when you come up with a better idea than “huge conflict that will kill hundreds of thousands at best and continue without end for decades”. I can wait.