Nebraska’s Republican Gov. Jim Pillen on Wednesday signed an executive order strictly defining a person’s sex.

The order notably does not use the term “transgender,” although it appears directed at limiting transgender access to certain public spaces. It orders state agencies to define “female” and “male” as a person’s sex assigned at birth.

“It is common sense that men do not belong in women’s only spaces,” Pillen said in a statement. “As Governor, it is my duty to protect our kids and women’s athletics, which means providing single-sex spaces for women’s sports, bathrooms, and changing rooms.”

  • @[email protected]
    -1310 months ago

    I mean, no law is 100% effective.

    Are you saying we shouldn’t have laws against murder because people will still murder?

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      We already have laws against sexual assault and harassment. The purpose of this law is to harass trans people not to protect anyone.

      It will end up only hurting people, many of whom won’t even be trans. We’ve already seen masculine-looking women getting subjected to this kind of law in other states. It’s nothing more than the government abusing its own citizens.

      Trans people taking a dump aren’t hurting anyone.

    • @[email protected]
      910 months ago

      Murder is bad

      A woman having a shit in a stall (whilst having a Y chromosome) is pretty neutral

      Anyway, answer the FtM question

        • @mindbleach
          210 months ago

          Watch your tone, says constant bigot.

            • @mindbleach
              210 months ago

              On trans women: “I think the main concern comes from females not wanting males in their bathroom.”

              On bigoted laws being ‘another victory for Christianity’: “The idea that the US is not a nation run by Christians is just wrong.”

              • @[email protected]
                110 months ago

                What are you talking about?

                What I said was completely true.

                Men don’t care about women in their restrooms, lol. It’s usually women and especially TERFs who are upset about trans people using their bathrooms.

                Please tell me why this is bigoted. I really want to know.

                • @mindbleach
                  210 months ago

                  You’re describing trans women as “males.”

                  You’re treating this as valid justification… for anything.

                  Jesus fuck, eighty years ago, would we be having this conversation about segregation? ‘Well the main concern is whites not wanting blacks at the front of the bus. What? Why the rude gestures? Haha, it’s not usually the blacks complaining!’

                  • @[email protected]
                    010 months ago

                    I’m not sure what you’re saying, sorry.

                    I’m not trying to justify any kind of bigotry. I’m merely stating who has the issue, and who does not.

            • prole
              110 months ago

              Are you actually this dense, or are you just feigning ignorance? You seem confused as to why people here are acting so hostile towards you, while you parrot and legitimize the talking points you’re claiming to disagree with.

              Stop talking out of both sides of your mouth, and maybe people will be more civil towards you.

              • @[email protected]
                110 months ago

                I think you’re not paying attention to what I’m saying.

                Go through my comments and then come back.

                • prole
                  10 months ago

                  There’s a reason everyone is downvoting you, and it’s not tribalism. If you care at all about trans rights, you’d go through your own comments and maybe give some thought as to why so people are apparently misunderstanding you.

                  Here, I’ll get you started: You called trans women “males” in the first comment of yours that I replied to. So not only were you legitimizing their bigotry, you were also using the purposefully vitriolic language that they use when they convey that bigotry. You (seemingly intentionally) misgendered them.

                  Maybe take a moment to consider why people may have taken umbridge with that.

                  That first comment then colors every other comment of yours read after. You’ve parroted transphobic talking points, using their purposely offensive language. Anything you say after that is assumed to be in bad faith.

                  • @[email protected]
                    10 months ago

                    Ok. I disagree with what you’re saying and I’m tired of reading your baseless accusations.

                    You’re clearly just going to believe whatever you want and ignore any information that contradicts it.

                    Gonna have to block you now. Goodbye.

    • themeatbridge
      810 months ago

      We already have laws against spying on people in the bathroom, and it applies to everyone.

        • themeatbridge
          110 months ago

          Because your argument is invalid either way. This law doesn’t protect women from bathroom predators. We have laws that protect women from bathroom predators, and if they are effective, we don’t need this law, and if they are ineffective, then we don’t need this law.

          The purpose of this law is to discriminate against transgender individuals. Any other justification is bullshit.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            The purpose of this law is to discriminate against transgender individuals.

            Yes, which is effective. If it wasn’t, then why would people be getting upset?

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      I would like a law that religious figure are no longer eligible to run tax free organizations if they meet at the White House

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          I am fine with that. Tax them the way we do corporations. Same for any group that lobbies, like CATO. It is obnoxious how the wealthy are able to lobby can get jobs for their nephew by proxy tax avoidance schemes.

          Koch wants certain laws passed. Koch gives money to CATO so CATO can lobby for them. CATO is a non-profit.