• @Kecessa
      10 months ago

      Did you even read the article?

      They know alcohol causes issues and they say so themselves, they don’t ban it because it would be harder to hire staff, they don’t mind the bad consequences including rapes.

      That’s a load of bullshit and dry towns and communities already exist for the exact same reasons, they just don’t care about people’s safety. That wouldn’t be asking people to stop liking alcohol, that would be asking them to give it up temporarily and if you’re unable to consider doing that then I’ve got bad news about your relationship with it.

      Anyway, it’s not as if it was the only thing people going there have to give up on and it’s not as if you were ever going to work there.

      But hey, keep fighting the good fight buddy! 👍

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        You are making some logical leaps. Just because certain rapists like alcohol does not mean everyone who likes alcohol is a rapist.

        • @Kecessa
          010 months ago

          Never said so, but when you’re in an isolated community and you know X causes major issues for a minority you adapt to the weakest links in the chain if X is non essential. Like alcohol.

            • @Kecessa
              10 months ago

              How many rape victims are enough to take the easiest preventive measures?

              All drunk people don’t cause trouble, all people who cause trouble are drunk… What’s the next step then?

              • @[email protected]
                10 months ago

                I was just asking if you knew the magnitude of the situation.

                all people who cause trouble are drunk

                Is this true? And if so, how many?

                How many rape victims are enough to take the easiest preventive measures?

                Well, if one drunk person out of 100 engages in rape once, do you think that’s reason enough to ban alcohol for the other 99?

                If 10 sober people do it, should we ban sobriety?

                That’s why I’m asking you if you know the magnitude of the situation. If you don’t that’s okay. Just say you don’t know the answer and move on.

        • @Kecessa
          010 months ago

          Eh… I have a couple of craft beers every week but I don’t like alcohol?

          You might not want to hear that but if you consider that being allowed to drink alcohol is more important than preventing rapes and fights you might want to take a step back and think about how much you like alcohol… Especially since it’s a conversation about an isolated community, not just any other city that people can leave whenever they want to…