Just curious how many of you are cool with this deeply racist image being the header for one of your comms

    • @Susaga
      6510 months ago

      I’m okay with it because it’s not racist. What is there in this picture to not be okay with?

        • @Susaga
          4510 months ago

          What racism? You have yet to explain what’s racist about this picture. I am willing to accept that I’m wrong and I’m just not seeing it from the right perspective, but you have to be willing to explain why rather than just condemn.

            • @Susaga
              10 months ago

              Alright, I can see that. Not deliberate, as they also tinted his suit red to heighten the comparison to Winnie the Pooh, who also has a yellow face, but I can see your perspective now you’ve actually given it. Deeply racist is absolutely a stretch, though, but “kinda racist” is absolutely correct.

                • @Susaga
                  10 months ago

                  It’s not obvious! You posted a picture of a dictator with accidental racist undertones, called it deeply racist, and condemned anyone who didn’t agree with your perspective as racist, despite not actually giving your perspective! To most of us, we see “dictator” before we see “asian guy”. You’re not attacking the picture, you’re attacking the people on the same server as the picture. You being so quick to condemn makes it look like you’re defending a dictator more than amending injustice, and being so hesitant to explain your reasoning makes you look like a troll more than an activist.

                  You’re a terrible representative of your own argument.

                  • NormalC [he/him, comrade/them]
                    3110 months ago

                    To most of us, we see “dictator” before we see “asian guy”. You’re not attacking the picture.

                    Damn you just didn’t “see” the racism so therefore it cannot be problematic. But since President Xi is a “dictator” that must mean that people who are calling me out for racism must be the ones at fault because they’re protecting a big evil man. Most people “agree” with you so therefore it must be “not racist”.

                    I can tell you never worked through dismantling racist imagery that wasn’t spoon fed to you by a 24/7 news entertainment cycle.

                  • Alto
                    1010 months ago

                    Don’t waste your breathe with these tankies man

            • BurntPunk
              10 months ago

              That’s a reach lolol. Did Pooh Bear put you up to this? Promise a bump on your social credit score if you’d go online and say anyone that calls Xi Winnie the Pooh is racist?

              It’s not yellow because he’s Asian you raging edgelord, it’s cause he’s Pooh Bear, and Winnie the Pooh is yellow.

              Go back to licking your authoritarian, human rights abusing quasi-dictator’s boots ya fop.

    • HeartyBeast
      1410 months ago

      In what way is it racist? Is there a particular ethnicity which is commonly depicted as Winnie the Poo?