Just curious how many of you are cool with this deeply racist image being the header for one of your comms

  • @Susaga
    3110 months ago

    I condemn you, actually. Yes, the picture is poorly thought out and needs revision, even though it was designed for reasons other than racism. That’s what you should have said. But you didn’t want to fix the picture, you wanted to condemn everyone on this site for not condemning the picture.

    • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
      3810 months ago

      What a contemptible piece of shit instance we got federated with this time. Fuck this place. Look at this asshole. Acting all fucking wounded because they weren’t coddled during the agonizingly slow process of them finally admitting that putting a world leader representing over a billion people in yellow face MIGHT be SLIGHTLY racist ON ACCIDENT. As if the feelings of the person committing the offense are the most important consideration in explaining their offense to them. The fucking entitlement.

      I don’t buy your bullshit. It’s not only racist, it’s deliberately racist and not only that but deep down you fucking know it as well. Just ask yourself: what’s the fucking point of the caricature in the first place? To be insulting, right? It’s an otherwise beloved childhood character though, isn’t it? So why has the west latched onto it so strongly? To mock his appearance, right? It’s a yellow fucking cartoon bear. Why are you acting coy about it? It’s not about his weight. It’s not that he has the facial features of a bear. No one makes pictures depicting him as Yogi or Baloo. It’s his race.

      • @Susaga
        1610 months ago

        They jumped in to defend themselves. That’s what happens when you attack them. If you attack the thing and not the people, they don’t get so defensive.

        • booty [he/him]
          4610 months ago

          No one attacked anyone. OP asked how many of you were cool with this image. All you have to do is say “actually no, that image is fucked up” and suddenly you’re not under attack. In order to interpret this post as anything remotely similar to an attack on your character, you have to first decide that you’re cool with racism.

          • blazera
            410 months ago

            No one is under attack, but you have to respond a specific way to stop the attack that isnt happening?