My primary argument is that they post hateful content and covid conspiracies and it is irresponsible to platform this by including it in our federation. Secondly we already got rid of lemmygrad. Thirdly, there’s little to be lost in the defederation given the type of stuff being posted over there. Do as thou wilt

Aye and nays pls

Edit: putting the screencaps I posted below here for clarity

I should probably put a content warning so

CW: homophobia, transphobia, and just being a shithead.

Edit 2: let’s try not to downvote people just saying nay. Unless they are making bad faith arguments we should respect their opinions even if we disagree.

Edit 3: Imma be real with y’all, this has been a real shitshow. We gotta work out some kinda single voting infrastructure because the ayes and Nays isn’t efficient at all.

  • @Difficult_Bit_1339M
    1 year ago


    You are not ‘deplatforming’ them by de-federating. They still have a platform, they still have communities and they still can post there. You can’t deplatform people in a federated social media, they own their own instance. What you’re asking is for the site admins to add every EH user and community to the block list of everyone on this instance. I’m an adult, I don’t need a Big Brother deciding what I can and cannot see.

    Save de-federation for last resort issues that cannot possibly be resolved in any other way. If an instance is spamming, if an instance is being used for planning violence, if an instance is allowing the sharing of abusive images or illegal material, if an instance is coordinating harassment (doxing, SWATing, etc) then de-federate them.

    De-federation should not be used to create filter bubbles. You have a block list, curate your own filter bubble. Don’t try to enforce your block list on everyone else.

    It’s also worth noting that, outside of the the 4th and 5th images, none of the posts in those images would even be considered breaking a rule if posted on this instance. You’re, for the most part, just posting right-wing posts which makes this appear like you’re trying to push a political position.

    • @Kecessa
      71 year ago

      They’re not right wing posts they’re alt-right posts, there’s a difference there and it’s a major one and the best way to keep that movement from spreading is to not let people be in contact with it.

      • @aspseka
        31 year ago

        Please don’t try to protect people from opinions. Eventually they find out and feel lied to.

        • @Hagarashi8
          1 year ago

          They are not just sharing opinions. It’s hate against minorities. As overused it may sound, this is one of times when it’s really hate and not just irony.

          • @aspseka
            31 year ago

            Every opinion might sound as ideological or hateful or aggressive or oppressive by some… Of course, everyone is biased about what they deem acceptable.

            Totally get that these posts offend people - and that maybe that was the intention. On the other hand, poorly rationed opions from another place of the spectrum offend the far-right or the far-left…

            • @Hagarashi8
              71 year ago

              If it would be nice if it would be just one or two unintentional offending posts, but there’s a lot of examples even in the post, where it’s clear that they want to offend people, and i would like to keep this place away from intentionally offending content.

              • @Quacksalber
                1 year ago

                If you want to be protected from hateful people, use beehaw. I came to ShitJustWorks specifically because they don’t block instances at a whim.

                • @Hagarashi8
                  1 year ago

                  This instance is not very different for lemmygrad in terms of how hateful they are and lemmygrad is defederated, so see no reason why this one shouldn’t be defederated.

                  • @mnemonicmonkeys
                    31 year ago

                    From what I understand, Lemmygrad has been widely defederated because their members tend to troll and brigade other instances. Apart from 1 user earlier today, I have yet to see evidence that’s happening with exploding-heads (yet)

        • @Kecessa
          41 year ago

          There’s a difference between opinions based on facts and opinions people pretend are based on facts like you see on the extremes. Funny you should say “people will feel lied to” when both the alt-right and tankies lie to argue.

          • @aspseka
            21 year ago

            Totally concur. But let’s face it, you cannot make these “arguments” go aways by sweeping them under the carpet. They exist. People learned how to to deal with them. Bluny put: If you know bs arguments all along they don’t catch you by surprise and “convince” you.

    • @chalkmanOP
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @chalkmanOP
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator