What did you like the most about old minecraft?

I never played the original alpha minecraft. Tell me what you liked best.


  • FigMcLargeHuge
    2 years ago

    Yeah, I have some older versions on my pc. I have a virtual machine running mine-os that I keep around. But lately I just like to pick up my Switch and play. A friend has a realm we work on that he can download when we decide to swap it out and start fresh. Speaking of older minecraft, they have really screwed up the Switch version. You used to be able to pop out of minecraft and go to your saved images on your switch, or go look at your profile and see your friends and what they were playing. Now, when you hit the home button and it pops out of mc, you immediately get disconnected from a realm. If you leave mc running and sleep the Switch, when you come back in I manually have to reconnect to my microsoft id, and when I do that most of the time it just forces me to re-login. So I always just stop mc now and restart it when I bring my Switch back up. And since I am on a rant, how about the load time for the game. Not sure how kids with no attention span manage. It takes 2 goddamn minutes it seems to bring the game up with everything loaded and ready to go, and even then sometimes I get this “Loading Resources” popup that can sit there for another min. Really shitty code that they don’t want to look at I guess because they are too busy adding in crap that isn’t needed. It’s like they don’t even own or test on any Switches.

    Sorry for the rant, but as an old guy I feel it’s my duty.