Got a fairly new setup going, and I love it…when it works. Half the time, I open my Jellyfin clients and it permanently hangs on loading anything. On my computers I can still access the files via network folders, so everything it connected. I’m mostly curious if this is a known issue or if I messed something up.

Edit: Solved, it was a networking issue and a transcoding issue.

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    Oh those are never fun but glad it’s working! Hopefully stays that way for you! Seems like once you get it all set up it’s pretty hands off.

    Now if only I could get the skip intro plugin to work right lol

    • @LazerDickMcCheeseOP
      110 months ago

      Funny enough, that set up and worked immediately for me. Did you set the plugin to analyze your library?

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        I actually just checked and it worked for an episode in the web player (using auto skip instead of the modded frontend). I’m using Infuse on the main TV which I think just doesn’t support, hopefully one day!