• @[email protected]
    1010 months ago

    I think Lindsey has flipped, and several of the others, too.

    These prosecutors aren’t fucking around, and these are serious charges. How many people are actually willing to go to prison for trump, who very obviously cares only about himself and will throw even his own family under the bus?

    Lindsey famously said if the GOP backed trump, it would be their downfall. He’s not a loyalist, and he’s a proven coward – the exact type of person who would flip on trump.

    • ZeroCool
      10 months ago

      I agree that it’s likely Lindsey Graham may have flipped. I’ve long suspected Lindsey only fell in line with Trump because he’s got dirt on him. The sniveling little weasel did a complete 180° on Trump after going golfing with him at one of Trump’s properties. Something happened that turned a vocal Trump critic into one of his biggest cheerleaders in a single afternoon and I highly doubt it was the result of a policy discussion.