Will something be done about moderators owning 50+ magazines/communities and counting? Already seeing power mods migrate from Reddit trying to hoard as many communities as possible.

  • scientiamOP
    -11 year ago

    @CorrodedCranium Well, some of these individuals are ones on Reddit that are moderators of 300+ subs, it’s kinda telling, isn’t it?

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Well on Reddit I’m a moderator of one sub purely because I’ve flown so far under the radar of the other mods with my lack of ambition… So does this mean I deserve the keys to the kingdom now?

    • _haha_oh_wow_
      11 year ago

      Tells me they like modding and are likely pretty OK at it? Some of them definitely suck and abuse their power, but just because someone mods a lot of communities doesn’t mean they’re a bad mod or shouldn’t be a mod.

      I’ve created some communities that got pretty big and are still around even though I am no longer modding and I can tell you this: Modding is a shitty, thankless, unpaid job.