• @[email protected]
    209 months ago

    The horse thing is wild to me, because that’s not even a reward for a lot of people. Wow, I can have an expensive responsibility that I’m not equipped to care for if I touch your grody dick? Let me get right on not doing that. That’s just paying to touch Elon’s sad wang with extra steps.

    • @PrincessLeiasCat
      9 months ago

      Apparently the woman loved horses, so that was his go-to with her.

      I’m not trying to excuse him, just explaining why that was his “offer” with this particular person.

      Maybe one day we’ll learn what else he’s (allegedly) offered to others.


      while rubbing her leg, he reportedly offered to buy the attendant a horse if she would “do more.” (The story notes that the attendant rode horses.)